Great Time To Get Your Finances In Order

The winter months find us inside the house more than we might like. Why not use some of this time to review your financial plan.

This season is a good time to do the following:

  • Review your wills, power of attorney and medical directives to make sure they are up to date.
  • Meet with a financial advisor to see if you are still on track for when you plan to retire.
  • Make an inventory of your safe deposit box.
  • Review the need to protect your retirement assets from Long Term Care Expenses.
  • Review your group and individual life insurance.
  • Make a list of all your life insurance policies, bank accounts, investment accounts and other financial data so your spouse knows what you have if something were to happen to you. Does your spouse or other family members know where your will and power of attorney are located?

We are here to help you if needed. If you would like a life insurance or Long Term Care Insurance review give us a call at 215-885-2200. If you don’t know an estate attorney or financial planner we can recommend one to you.

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