Candles, fires (indoors in your fireplace and outdoors in your fire pit), strands of lights and Christmas Trees can make your home look beautiful for the holiday season. Be extra careful during this time of year. Remember most home fires occur during the winter months so we want to share some safety tips.
- If you use a live Christmas tree make sure it is properly watered. Check out this video which shows dramatically the fire danger for a dry tree and one that is properly watered.
- FEMA Video sharing winter fire prevention tips.
- Check out the Spencer Insurance Winter Tips for some tips for:
- Driving in winter conditions
- Preparing an emergency kit for car and home
- Preparing your teen driver to drive in winter conditions
- Taking time during the winter when you are inside more to review your finances
The severity of our winters change each year. Even the Farmer’s Almanac can’t get it right all the time. So take some time now to prepare so you are ready for that blizzard or ice storm. Hope I didn’t jinx us.
Contact us with any questions or if you would like a review of your insurance.
Have a wonderful winter.