The Cathy Garry Memorial Golf Tournament was held on Monday August 2nd. It was a great success and a lot of fun.
Our foursome tied for first place at 9 under par but lost in a tie breaker. It is the best my brothers in laws have played together in a long time. The weather took a break from the hot and humid summer and delivered a pleasant day in the mid 80s with low humidity. A day away from the office playing golf for a great cause was truly a pleasure.
Spencer Insurance was pleased to donate $5 for each referral we received from March 1st to August 2nd. We received 44 referrals and were pleased to present a check for $220 in the name of all those who gave us a referral. I want to thank all those who referred business to us. Your referral and donation in your name made a difference to a family with a child with cancer.
The proceeds of the Golf Tournament are being used to send a family who has a child with cancer to Walt Disney World. What a great cause, thank you for letting us help out.
There is still time to make an individual donation. Click this link to be directed to the website:
Enjoy the rest of your summer!