Don’t take a Gamble. Get an Insurance Checkup!

You go to your doctor once a year for your annual physical.  You take your pets to the vet for their annual checkup. You take your car for an annual inspection.  Now it’s time to have your annual insurance checkup.

Things happen to you every day that can have an impact on your insurance coverage and we need to know about them so we can recommend the
proper coverage for you.  Here is a sampling:

  • Adding an addition on your home
  • Buying another property
  • Adding a teen driver
  • Getting married, separated or divorced
  • Paying off a car loan or mortgage
  • Starting a new job
  • Starting a LLC
  • Starting a home based business

Rather than go on and on, I suggest you check out our Renewal Checklist which is located on our website at .   Complete the checklist then email, fax or mail it back to us.  You can also call our office at 215-885-2200 and ask to have a Renewal Review.

Spencer Insurance tries to contact our client periodically to review their insurance needs.  You don’t need to wait for our call.  Call us today for the review.  Make sure you have proper coverage BEFORE you have a claim. At Spencer Insurance “Your Protection and Peace of Mind is our only Business!”  Thank you for your business.

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