This week we celebrate our nation’ s independence. Many of us will be attending parades and barbeques.  We hope all of you have an enjoyable and safe holiday.  Now that summer is in full swing it is time for some summer grilling safety tips.

There’s no better way to celebrate summer than to barbecue outdoors, as long as you take special steps to keep your family safe from grilling accidents or injuries. Here are tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission for safeguarding your family.

Gas grill safety tips
When cooking outdoors with a gas grill, check the air tubes that lead into the burner for any blockage from insects, spiders or food grease, and follow these tips to reduce the risk of fire or explosion:

  • Check grill hoses for cracking, brittleness, holes and leaks. Make sure there are no sharp bends in the hose or tubing.
  • Move gas hoses as far away as possible from hot surfaces and dripping hot grease.
  • Always keep propane gas containers upright.
  • Never store a spare gas container under or near the grill or indoors.
  • Never store or use flammable liquids, like gasoline, near the grill.
  • Never keep a filled container in a hot car or car trunk. Heat will cause the gas pressure to increase, which may open the relief valve and allow gas to escape.

Charcoal Grill Safety Tips: 

Charcoal produces carbon monoxide (CO) when it is burned. CO is a colorless, odorless gas that can accumulate to toxic levels in closed  environments. To reduce the risk of CO poisoning:

  • Never burn charcoal inside of homes, vehicles, tents or campers.
  • Charcoal should never be used indoors, even if ventilation is provided.
  • Since charcoal produces  CO fumes until the charcoal is completely extinguished, do not store the grill indoors with freshly used coals.

Every year there are thousands of Emergency Room visits due to grilling accidents, we hope these tips will help you avoid becoming one of them.

Have a safe and fun summer.

Your friends at Spencer Insurance Agency, Inc.

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