Know someone who has a teen driver?

Parents: This Doesn’t Have to be a Stressful Time in Your Life. You Can Keep Your Teen Safe, Avoid Paying High Insurance Rates, and Get Peace of Mind!

I remember when our four children were teenagers and wanted to learn to drive.  UGH!

To be honest my children preferred to be taught to drive by their mother, Tammy.  Truth is Tammy has a lot more patience.  What did Dirty Harry say?  “A man has to know his limitations.  Thank you Tammy!

Spencer Insurance wants to help you!  Did you know Spencer Insurance has a website exclusively for the Parents of Teen Drivers?  Check it out!

This website will provide you:

Let us help you as you train your teen driver to be a safe driver.  Most importantly lead by example.  If you text and use your cell phone while driving what message are you sending your teen driver?

Good luck and call us at 215-885-2200 if we can be of any assistance.

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