New Year’s Resolutions to Keep!

Okay, how many New Year’s Resolutions have you already broken? 

Here are some you can make now and keep the rest of the year: 

  • Everyone in my car will wear a seatbelt while driving.
  • I will give my full attention to driving: this means no texting, no cell phone, no arguments, and no multi-tasking while driving.
  • I will drive unimpaired (no drinking, no driving when too tired or sick)
  • I will observe the posted speed limits
  • I will adjust my driving when weather mandates it.

Or, just think of three rules of the road:

  1. I will drive as if my life and mobility depended on it.
  2. I will drive as if I am carrying precious cargo that is easily damaged.
  3. I will drive as if all the vehicles I meet, follow and pass held my loved ones.

Many people drive extra cautiously when they have their beloved pet is on board.   Wow, their pet’s life is more important than their life?  I wonder what your son or daughter would think.  Drive as if your life or the life of someone you love depended on it.

Remember, at Spencer Insurance, Your Protection and Peace of Mind is our only business.

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