Starting Sunday our area could see a major storm. Sandy may be a Hurricane , Tropical Storm, or just heavy rains and thunderstorms. Any of these scenarios can cause significant damage to your home and car. I urge you to prepare your home for the possibility of heavy rain, flooding and high winds this weekend.
Over the years we have had many storm claims. Here are a few tips:
- Clean out your gutters and downspouts.
- Put away any furniture, toys, trash cans or other objects in your yard that could be thrown at your house during high winds.
- Clean debris from any storm sewer drains near your home so they don’t back up. Especially this time of year you need to clear leaves from the storm sewer drains near your home.
- Prepare your basements for possible flooding.
- Make sure your sump pump and any backup systems are working properly. Check out this link:
- Park your car on high ground and away from trees.
- Be careful when traveling in your car during a storm to know the area and stay away from flood prone areas. Do not try to pass through standing water.
- Make sure your cell phones are charged and any extra batteries have a full charge. Invest in a car charger so you can recharge your phone if you lose power.
Here are a few links with safety tips on how to prepare for a storm:
How to make a claim:
To report a claim we suggest the following:
- Contact the company directly. This speeds up the claim process. Our office will get an acknowledgement of your claim within 24 hours.
- If you have additional questions after you report the claim to your insurance company or cannot get through to your insurance company directly, you should call our office at 215-885-2200.
- For a complete list of Insurance Company claim reporting phone numbers go to our website.
Hopefully, this storm will avoid our area, but making some preparations now can save you money and aggravation later. If you have any questions about your insurance coverage please call our office at 215-885-2200. At Spencer Insurance, “Your Protection and Peace of Mind is our Only Business! ”