Summer brings a break from school and an increase in the time your teen drivers spend in the car.
Here are a couple tips:
- Spend some time with your teen driver in teaching them how to merge onto an expressway or interstate highway and practice changing lanes. Many of us will travel to vacation spots and use interstate highways. Why not use this as a teaching moment for your teen driver.
- Set the rules for Teen Driving. Remind them of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations “5 to Drive Rules.”
- No cell phones while driving
- No extra passengers
- No Speeding
- No Alcohol
- Always buckle up.
Most accidents are caused by driver inattention and distraction. Stress safe driving habits with your teen driver. Review the parent/teen contract on our website to set expectations for your teen driver
Check out our “Parents of teen drivers” website for more tips:
- Links to the PA, DE and NJ Motor Vehicle departments
- Tips and suggestions
- Safe teen driver course
Contact us today to make sure you have the coverage you need with a teen driver in your home.