SHHH!! It’s a Surprise. Ed turns 90 this year!

Many of you fondly remember our founder and my dad, Ed Spencer. Our clients ask about Ed all the time and Ed is always asking us about his clients. He really enjoys the news we share with him about you.  Ed is turning 90 this year and we want to present him with a big surprise.

We are asking our clients that knew Ed to send a note for Ed with a memory from the past.  It can simply be a greeting to him on his 90th birthday or a story you remember about Ed.  We want to get as many together as possible and put them into a scrap book to present to him on his birthday. I know he will be very excited when he receives your notes.

Send you notes and memories to me at  You can also mail them to me at our office address, PO Box 54 Jenkintown PA 19046.

I thank you in advance for helping us celebrate this wonderful milestone.

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