Summertime means your Teen drivers are on the move

happy girl in the carSummertime means that your teen drivers are on the move.  That means they are spending more time driving your car.  They may be going to work, the pool, or a friend’s house.  This is a great time to remind them how to be a safe driver.

 What can you do as a parent of a teen driver?  Here are a few suggestions:

  • When you are going on vacation let them do some of the driving.  It may be their first opportunity to drive on an interstate such as I95.  Start them out in a less congested area of the interstate.  This should be a valuable lesson.
  • Check your policy limits.  Now that you have teen drivers your household is 5 times more likely to have an accident.  Check with us to make sure you have the right protections.
  • Take our Free online study course “Teach your teen to drive.”  This course offers several lessons that you may have overlooked when you first taught your teen to drive.  Go to our teen driver website at to take the course with your teen.  Share this link with your friends and family who have a teen driver.

Summertime is a great time of year to continue teaching your teen driver to be a safe driver.  There are usually less activities going on in the summer as you try to relax and get recharged.  Use this valuable time to continue teaching your teen to be a safe driver.  Let us know if we can help you.  Have a great summer!

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