Thanksgiving Safety Tips

happy-thanksgiving turkeyThanksgiving Day is a day spent with family, friends and food, yes lots of good food.  My mom liked bacon and a lot of her recipes had bacon as an ingredient.  Thanksgiving Day was no different.  We had bacon in the home made stuffing and wrapped the turkey with bacon for basting.  Then there are the candid sweet potatoes, cranberry and pies.

All of us at Spencer Insurance hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, but as insurance agents we want to offer some safety reminders:

Check out the American Red Cross article concerning cooking safety tips.  Be careful especially with young children around the kitchen area.

frying-a-turkey                                  Fire Extinguisher character with happy pose

If you are planning to fry your turkey this year review this article from Travis County Sheriff’s Office.  Numerous accidents and fire happen when frying turkeys so make sure you have a safety plan.

Comment below and let us know your favorite Thanksgiving dish or recipe.  Enjoy!


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