I didn’t know you sold life insurance. Those are words I hate to hear.
Okay, now you know! Spencer Insurance sells life, disability and long term care insurance too. My specialty at the agency is in these coverages. I started my insurance career with John Hancock in the late 80s before joining my Dad’s agency.
I have been selling life insurance for over 30 years. How many life insurance agents can say that? Most of the people I meet do not even know if their life insurance agent is still in business. They have not heard from the agent since the policy was purchased. As a father, grandfather and small business owner I understand the needs of parents and small business owners to protect their families and businesses in the event of a death or disability.
Another issue I run into often is that clients rely too much on group life and disability policies. These policies are very helpful and important, however you need us to review the group policies to make sure they provide the coverage you think they provide. Check out my article “Is my employer paid Long Term Disability Plan enough? When is 60% only 30%.”
You can also check out our life insurance “Frequently Asked Questions.”
Contact us for a review so we can discuss:
- Do you have the right amount of life and disability insurance? You may have too much or too little.
- How does a business owner protect their small business from the death of an owner or key employee?
- What is your small business worth? We have a program that will give you the answer!
- How much will my spouse receive when my business is sold? (Probably less than 50% of its value if you do no planning.)
- Can my children and spouse stay in our home if I die? Can the children still go to college?
- How to use life insurance proceeds while living to pay for long term care expenses.
If you don’t have life insurance what are you waiting for? Contact us now! If you do have life insurance call us to review the policy and make sure it is still providing the coverage you need and that the coverage is not running out soon. (We see a lot of people who purchased a 20 year term years ago and don’t realize the premium guarantee is running out.
Whether you just need a $15,000 final expense policy or $1,000,000 in term we can help.
Rely on my 30 years of experience. Contact us today so you can check it off your “to do” list.