What is keeping you from getting Life Insurance?

Facts from LIMRA:

  • Three in ten American households are uninsured and half say they need more insurance.
  • More than half of Gen X and Y households need more life insurance.
  • One-third of wives own no life insurance at all – despite the fact that 7 in 10 households are dual-income households and nearly 30 percent of wives earn more than their husbands.


Why should I review my life insurance policies?

  • You quit smoking.
  • You heath has improved.
  • You recently married, had a child, bought a house, divorced, downsized or are considering retirement.
  • You have a partner or a key employee in your business.
  • You have coverage through your employer


Are you relying on the life insurance that your employer provides?

Note: Open enrollment for most employers is happening soon.  Contact us now as it can take 6 to 8 weeks for your life insurance to be approved.  Compare and apply now before you need to commit to your employer’s plan for another year!

  • If you are having premiums deducted from your paycheck for life insurance provided by an employer give us a call to review the cost of that policy
    • You will find the rates change, usually every 5 years, and can become very expensive as you age.
    • Many times we can provide you the same coverage for less than you are spending now or provide more coverage for the same amount you are spending now.
    • Major problems with employer coverage
      • Price increases as you age
      • Not portable, meaning if you change jobs you may lose your life insurance.  What happens if your health has changed and  can’t get life insurance or purchasing life insurance on your own is now very expensive?


Solution: Call us for a review of your life insurance needs. Today’s economy has demonstrated how precarious a family’s finances can be.  Think how tough it will be for your family if they lose your income!  Don’t procrastinate; we all think we are invincible.  Go to our website and read Rachel’s story.  Her story which she was so kind to share with me will demonstrate why you can’t wait.  Check out our website for more information about Life Insurance.

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