An Earthquake, Hurricane Irene and Tornados; Are you prepared for an emergency?

I felt my first earthquake last Tuesday and it was strange.  I thought our large dog, Bella, was banging into my chair.  That was before my desk started shaking and there was no dog in sight.

Fortunately for our area it does not seem that there was much damage and our dog Bella is fine.

The quake’s epicenter was in Mineral Virginia.  A couple weeks ago our family was on vacation near  Lake Anna in Mineral VA.  It is a small world.  During our vacation we took a boat ride of Lake Anna which took us past the nuclear power plant on Lake Anna.  It got me to wonder what emergency plans the power plant had in place.  I saw on the news where the plant went into immediate shutdown as a precaution and had back up pumps to cool the plant.  The plant had a plan!

What emergency plans do you have in place?  Yes, our area is fortunate that we don’t get earthquakes, tornados or hurricanes very often. However this past year we have had tornados, an earthquake and we are staring down Hurricane Irene as I write this blog.  You need to be prepared for an emergency.  It could be a flood, fire, or tree falling on your house.  It could also be something on a larger scale like a hurricane, tornado or earthquake.

FEMA has a website to help you in getting an emergency plan together.  Here is the link:

It does not hurt to be prepared.  We may not have another earthquake in my lifetime here in the East, but we are sure to have another bad storm with flash floods and fallen trees.  Call our office
at 215-885-2200 with any questions you may have about your coverage and how to prepare for an emergency.  Share your hurricane and earth quake stories with us.  Let us know what preparations you made and what damage you suffered.  Also, let me know if our email alerts were helpful to you.  Just leave your comments below.

A lot of people, including me, do not have earthquake insurance.  I suspect we may get a few questions about an Earthquake policy.  Call us if you have questions.

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