Great Video about Texting while driving. Check it Out!

I want to thank Kathy Nolan Edwards, a friend and client for passing on to me a link about Texting while driving.  Check out this emotional video.  It is at the bottom of our Resources Page.

 Simply stated, Texting while driving KILLS! 

 What can you do?

  • If you are a parent
    •  have your teen drivers and older children view this video
    • Lead by example and do not text while driving

 If you are an adult

    • Be honest with yourself.  If you text while driving, STOP, it could save your life or the life of someone you hit while texting
    • Pass this video on to someone you care about.

 Over and over again we witness the effects of people texting while driving or using a cell phone without a hands free device.  How annoyed does this make you?  Yet, we also do it. How will you feel and how will your life be affected if you kill or injure someone while texting and driving?

 Save money on your auto insurance.  By not using a cell phone while driving your car insurance rates may stay lower since you may have fewer accidents.

 If you choose to continue texting while driving, please do a few things:

  • Contact us and increase your liability limits and get a large umbrella policy for when you are sued.
  • Buy a lot of life insurance, so those you leave behind although they will be devastated by your loss, will not be hurt financially.
  •  Update your will and medical power of attorney.

 This may seem blunt. It is.  I am passionate about your safety.  For more information on texting while driving check out this government website.

 At Spencer Insurance Agency, “Your Protection and Peace of Mind” is our only business.

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