I just wanted to remind everyone (especially the Dads out there) that Mother’s Day is this Sunday May 13th.

If you are a Mom, all of us at Spencer Insurance wish you the best for your Mother’s Day this Sunday.  We thank you for all you do and continue to do for others.

I especially want to send out a special “Happy Mother’s Day” to my mom.  She continues to amaze us.  She and my Dad raised 7 of us.   I thank you for all you did for our family and continue to do.  Your love is a great example to all the generations that follow! We are most fortunate to have 4 generations of Spencers (pictured above).

If you aren’t a mom, remember to give your mom a call or if she has passed think of a special moment that you shared with her.

We would be very happy if you would share some thoughts and memories about your mother.  Just comment below.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms from your Friends at Spencer Insurance!

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