I have been walking my dog in the morning this summer. It is great to get some exercise for me and Luna. Now Luna whines to go out as soon as I wake up. The mornings are getting darker as the sun rises later. Keep this in mind this week as students go back to school.
Many high schools start early and the students are walking to the bus stop or school in the dark. Be aware of them. Allow yourself some extra time to get to work as there will be more congestion now that school is back in session. You may be slowed down by a school bus or students crossing the street. Be patient.
This is also a good time for parents of teen drivers to check out our website designed just for the parents of teen drivers. Parents need to continue to train their teen drivers even after they get their license. Make sure they understand the “rules of the house” in regards to driving your car. Do you have a teen/parent contract? Do they know the consequences of their actions? Will they pay your deductible if they have an accident? Spell this out today in a teen/parent contract. Parent’s need to educate their teen drivers on how car insurance works.
Check out our website designed for the parents of teen drivers to get more tips, links to your state’s motor vehicle department, a list of some driver’s training schools and much more.
Please be careful driving now that school is back in session.