Tuesday’s Tip for Parents of Teen Drivers

Picking up the keys

It is important for the parents of teen drivers to have an ongoing discussion with their teenage driver about the importance of teen driver safety. Coming up with strategies to assist your teen driver is a big task.  However, we can help you.

We have several tools for you to help with teen driver safety and teen driver education. One of our best is the “Teenager-Parent Driving Contract” and the “Family Driving Rules & Consequences.”  Both of these documents are related to each other.

Driving is a privilege not a right.  This should be drilled into your teen driver.  This is State law and should also be the law in your household.  You can take the keys away from your teen driver if necessary.

By reviewing the Teenager-Parent Driving Contract and the Family Driving Rules & Consequences both you and your teen will have an understanding of their responsibilities when driving and the consequences should they not follow the rules.

Get a copy of these documents from our website or call us at 215-885-2200  and we will be glad to send you a copy.  Feel free to edit and make changes to these documents so they fit your household.

The least that is accomplished through this process is that you and your teen driver will have no questions about the consequences of unsafe driving.  There will be no surprises when consequences are handed out.  Hopefully, the process will have your teen driver review safe driving tips that could help avoid a costly accident and protect your child. Call us to find out other ways we can assist you when discussing Teen Driver Safety.

Share with ideas you used while training your teen driver.  Comment below.

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