Want to avoid Claims . . .

Fall Auto and Home Maintenance - Abington, Glenside, Jenkintown Homeowners Insurance company Spencer Insurance

The start of fall was more like summer.  Hopefully, the crisp and cool fall days will be upon us soon.

Spencer Insurance Agency helps protects you should you have a claim.  But more importantly Spencer Insurance Agency wants to help you avoid claims.  Even with the best coverage claims are a nuisance.

With that in mind we have posted to our website our “Fall Section.”  This section provides many tips on how to prepare your home as fall and winter arrive to prevent claims. This section also has car safety tips and a list of items you should have in your car emergency kit.

So check it out now so you are ready for the winter months.  A little preparation now can go a long way in helping you to avoid future claims.  If you have any questions about your insurance coverage contact us at 215-885-2200.

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