September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. 

Please take some time and read “Rachel’s Story.”  Rachel was kind enough to share her story with me so I could stress the importance of buying life insurance before it is too late.  Just like many things in life, we do not truly appreciate something until we can’t have it. Listen to Rachel’s message: BE PREPARED!!!

Rachel’s Story

My name is Rachel and I would really love to share my story with you in hopes that you will see the importance of Life Insurance, even at a time when you still think you are invincible.

I was 28 yrs old and got married in September of 1999.  While on my Honeymoon in St. Thomas my wisdom teeth became abscessed and I had just switched jobs so I was in between health insurance, you know I was 28 who cares about the 3 month waiting period I didn’t need COBRA.  So I bought some time with over the counter aids, and then in October I woke up and my neck felt stiff, so I rubbed it and found a lump on the right side just below my ear.  I went to my family doctor who said that it was a swollen lymph node to fight the inflamed wisdom teeth and sent me for CAT scan just to be safe.  The Cat scan came back negative and as soon as January hit, I had my teeth pulled and my doctor said that it would take about 30 days for the lymph node to go back to normal, after 30 days it was still there.  He sent me to an ENT specialist, and he treated me for 2 months on antibiotics and when it had still not gone away and another lump showed on the left side he decided it was time to remove the “dead lymph node”.  So into surgery I went, the next day the doctor called and told me I had Stage 3 cancer.

Long and short, I survived, but in the mean time my husband and I had bought a house and then after I got better decided to start having a baby. After 3 years we decided to adopt, and that is when I found out at 33 yrs of age, that I was going to have difficulty getting life insurance because of my past.  I filled out the paper work and told the truth when the question came up and thank God the paper work I was presented when we applied was all that was needed to proceed with the adoption because my Daughter was born the next month.  About a month after she was born, I was denied life insurance after they received my medical history from my primary doctor, and thankfully for us, all the papers were filed with the courts so it did not affect our adoption of Faith.

I tell you this story as detailed as I felt necessary because you can see the time in between getting married to the time of my diagnoses  I could have applied and gotten life insurance. Then I would have had the life insurance I needed for an actual event, other than death, the adoption of my daughter  that actually required life insurance be present to become a Mother.  I too was young and invincible, but now I am a 38 yr old cancer survivor, waiting out the paperwork time limit of 10yrs, so I can get Life Insurance at an affordable rate, and an amount that would actually benefit my family and not be turned down because I am High Risk.

So please, don’t view Life Insurance as morbid conversation at a young age. Realize that you have no idea what life has in store for you. Hopefully you will survive all that is thrown at you and come out with such a great reward as I did, my Life and my Daughter (my Angel), but for whatever the outcome may be:


Thank you for listening to my story, God Bless you in your new life, and may you have nothing but happiness and health, and a piece of paper in your filing cabinet to take care of all you acquire and create! 


When I talk to clients about life insurance I hear many reasons for procrastinating.  “I don’t have the money”; “I don’t want to think about death”; “I’ll call you after baseball, soccer, or basketball season.” Stop procrastinating and just do it.  Call us today and ask us for a life insurance review.  We will discuss why you need life insurance and help you determine how much you need. Then we will show you an affordable way to meet that need.

 I urge you to share Rachel’s story with your friends and family.  It is tough enough emotionally to lose a spouse. Don’t compound the problem by not having any life insurance to help the surviving spouse with the loss of an income.  Protect your family today!

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